Sunday, January 25, 2009

Questions Answered, Experiences Had, and More to Come!

Ciao! Through talking to a lot of you over the phone, through Facebook, and over Skype [ps. if you're interested, please skype me! Its live video chat and its FREE!] I've gotten lots of general, yet interesting questions. I thought I'd take some time to discuss some of the things I've noticed that are just alittle different here in Florence than some things at home in the States.

First off, generally, everyone is alot better dressed here. On a normal weekday you would see people dressed in a way that would cause alot of Americans to beg the question, "Ooo! What's the occasion?" But there is no occasion, its just a normal day. Dress shirts, ties, slacks, and scarfs are extremely common, even for just walking to the store or sitting the park with friends. Plain T-shirts, sweat pants, shorts, and flip flops are a big 'no-no' and are an easy way to distinguish tourist [which I am, hopefully successfully, trying not to be] . Another thing is the fashions are generally tighter fitting. Tighter shirts and jeans [mostly because people are generally skinnier here I think]. But don't get too excited Emo boys! The jeans aren't skin tight!

Another thing is the dogs! There are so many beautiful dogs! I have not seen one mut or ugly dog since Ive been here. My apartment is next to a nice park and there are always beautiful, well trained pure bread dogs with their owners. Many don't even wear leashes. They simply walk right next the their person.

One of the most interesting, and usually funny things I've noticed is the language barrier. It is true, the majority of people here know atleast alittle English, but even with that there are so many things lost in translation. I consider of the craziest of these situations going to the grocery store, or El Centro [small chain of stores]. Its like seeing all of these familiar pictures but not being able to read any of the words printed on them. Its difficult to explain, but challenging and often fun to experience. Despite my Italian getting better with every class, there will always be something to throw me for a loop [and I kind of enjoy this].

Probably the most useful difference that Americans [especially students] enjoy is the open container policy. You can drink where ever and when ever you want. Some places don't like glass after a certain time, but other than that you can consume alcohol of any fashion indoors, outdoors, at a bar or a restaurant, or while you walk down the street. There's nothing better than having a cold one on the go, especially when bar hopping or between pre-gaming at home and partying at the clubs.

Speaking of cold ones!!!!!

=Birra of the Blog=
Birra Moretti is a very easy to find beer here in Florence, and I'm sure the rest of Italia. It is slowly becoming my "Natti" here. Not in the manner of tastes shitty and has the alcohol content of piss water...but more along the lines of easy to find [every convenience store], cheap [1 euro for 2/3 of a litre], and I drink alot of it[i dont wanna talk about it...]. I'm sure you can find this beer back in the States if you look at the right places. Enjoy.

So since my last blog I've had two tremendous experiences [amongst the hundreds of smaller awesome experiences ] that stand out in my mind enough to tell you about in this post. The first being the Florence Artisanal Chocolate Festival.

Just being immersed in an event that everyone [Italians, Americans, numerous other nationalities] was enjoying together felt amazing. I am not even a "chocolate person" and I had a great time! The combination of the massive amount of people, the beautiful setting of the piazza in front of Santa Croce, the festive Florentine music, the company of good friends, the investment of a balloon sword [im still 5 years old...] and of course the delicious chocolate made this day trip very successful and tons of fun!

The second experience occurred on my second Sunday in Florence. It was a muggy afternoon with ominous rain clouds looming over head. Despite the despairing weather conditions my roommates [Nik and Logan] and myself decided to search for the beautiful Boboli Gardens, which we read about in books and heard of from friends. We started our adventure with trigger happy fingers on our cameras, great excitement...and no map. Needless to say, we never made it to the Boboli Gardens, but it was the outcome of our 4 hours of wondering that was the true experience.

Somewhere after the Ponte Vecchio we made a [or numerous] wrong turns and found ourselves in a beautiful, higher end residential neighborhood. It was about this time that the ominous rain clouds opened up, soaking our walk with a light rain. We knew that the gardens were up hill from Florence, so up hill we continued to climb. As we climbed in elevation, more and more great views began to show themselves. At first we could only see the top of the Florence Cathedral [Filippo Brunelleschi's Dome]. And then all at once...the hillside opened up. We were standing at the steps of a beautiful hillside monastery [San Miniato al Monte] with an absolutely breathtaking view of the city. It being Sunday, we decided to stop in the monastery to listen to a bit of the mass and say a prayer [mostly thanking God for this astounding trip]. When we walked out the door we were rewarded for our small token of faith, I presume. We would have never imagined that the view of Florence could have been made any better, but as we left the monastery the night sky rolling in, the storm clouds rolling out, and the lights of the city turning on made for one of the best pictures [both physical and mental...even emotional] I have ever seen.

After that we stopped by Piazza de Michelangelo to see the David and made our way back down the hillside to downtown. It had been a day full of excitement, tons of pictures, wet socks, and so many stories to tell. We had walked close to 5 miles, seen parts of Florence no other American student will get to see, been scared half to death by a sleeping homeless man, seen some of the most beautiful artworks, architecture, and views Florence has to offer, learned alot about the city in which we would be living for the next 4 months, and had fun the entire time!

Please, PLEASE click on these pictures to enlarge them! These thumbnail shots do not do them justice! Also, I post almost all of my photos on Facebook so there are alot more on there also!

Hope you can enjoy reading about these experiences atleast a quarter as much as I did actually experiencing them [not to brag...but you probably cant]. You simply just have to get here yourself and experience them yourself!

Next week should be a great post! Next stop...AMSTERDAM!!! For Super Bowl weekend no less! Im about to bring the BLACK and GOLD to the Netherlands! Ciao till then! GO STEELERS!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mi Chiamo Lucas e sonno Americano a Firenze

Ciao! So almost one week down in Florence, Italy and here are a few things I've learned...

+I never want to drive/park a car here...NEVER!

+Italian women are all beautiful!

+Italian women don't even give American boys the time of day...

+On the other hand, Italian Club Promoters LOVE American boys!

So, needless to say, just one week in and I have already seen and done so much in Florence. I have also started my 'Basic Conversational Italian' class [thus the basic conversational Italian title above. It means...My name is Lucas and I am an American in case you couldn't deduce that yourself]. I pass just about all of the sights on my twenty minute walk to class every morning.

After class, I like to pretend to be European and take a nap. We [the roommates and I] usually take turns making dinner [a lot of pasta, but sometimes we treat ourselves, like last night's Chicken Parmesan]. This past week we've gone out a lot. I had my first experience at a Discotheque [which, despite its title does not play disco...thank you Jesus] and made good friends with a restaurant owner/promoter[picture above]. We like to hang out late at his place and he gives us free food and drinks sometimes.

Ah! Which brings us to the next order of business! Drum roll please...

=Birra of the Blog=
So, like I said in my last post, Im trying to drink as many different types of European beer as possible. And in doing so I've already arrived at the point where there's too many to choose from. I decided to go with Nostro Azzuro, an Italian Premium Lager. Nostro Azzurro means "Blue Ribbon" [no...nothing like Pabst] It's actually in honor of the Blue Ribiand won by Italian ocean liner SS Rex in 1933. [yae! useless knowledge!] It is very similar and brewed by Peroni Brewing company. So if you like Peroni back in the States you may also like this one!

Other than that I've been just trying to take in as much as possible. We had an interesting lecture on cross cultural interaction and living/studying abroad. Check out this video. Its funny but it also makes you think a little.

It's very difficult, but I'm going to try to be as open to everything with in this culture and all cultures that I interact with to walk away from my stay here with the best possible experience [I feel like I've watched one too many episodes of 'No Reservations' with Anthony Bourdain...but its true]. At least that's the goal. I guess we'll see with time. Ciao for now...and try not to freeze your asses off for those of you in the North East US [its 50 degrees and sunny hear = ) ].

Monday, January 12, 2009


I arrived in Florence after a grueling ten hour plane trip [including lay overs in Washing DC and Frankfurt, Germany] on a much-warmer-than-home, sunny Sunday. It was only 10am in Italy and the city was alive and exciting, despite my body still believing it was 4am and that it should be in bed. [ps. if you click on an image it blows it up to see it better.]

The plane trip over was fun and I made some new friends playing crazy 8's in Frankfurt, but other than that uneventful. Some things to remember when traveling to/around Europe... [Ive decided I'm going to use '+' to indicate fun facts as I learn them and pass them on to you. Keep and eye out!]...

+On international flights from the US to Eur
ope they serve alcohol for free and often! You can have your selection of wines, beers, and cocktails all for free and as many as you want [just one at a time]. When flying into Germany, I opted for another beer rather than a shitty turkey airplane meal, the sexy German stewardess with a thick German accent and cute smile stated...
"In Germany, Seven beers make a meal!"

...I love Germany!

Speaking of BEER!! Along with my blogs of events, pictures, and experiences I am going to educate all of you on the subject of alcohol, more specifically beer [ or Birra here in Italy ]. Since it is my goal to try as many new types of "Birra" as possibly I will include one new type with every blog and my short critique of the beverage. So here we go...the first of many...

=Birra of the Blog=
This blog's beer is a semi-dark German beer known as Warsteiner. I had the good fortune to be sitting next to a Frenchmen with excellent taste on the flight into Germany who suggested this German Premium Verum. I couldn't tell you what "Verum" means, but "Premium" it is! It's alittle on the darker side [as I'm sure all German beers are...compared to the lite American piss-water I usually in enjoy back at school], but I really liked this beer...and the four more that followed! Hey, it was a long, long plane ride! [Be sure to come back and enjoy next blog's "Birra alla Blog"!]

Anyways... I've arrived in Florence and after a heart racing cab ride [not unlike the chase scene in The Bourne Ultimatum] I found my apartment building. To my pleasant surprise, my apartment [who I share with four other architecture guys] is a.)huge b.)beautiful c.)fully furnished and decorated and d.) pimp as fuck!

My first impression of Florence [being that I've only been here for a little over 36 hours] is an amazing collision. Its one thousand years of culture, history, and art colliding with the high speeds and excitement of the modern world [ie. fashion, politics, and human interaction]. Try to imagine New York or Chicago, but with ancient buildings and a shit-ton more history, then totally submerge that imagination in a brand new place and culture that you have never experienced.

That's the collision that I'm experiencing now...that and jet lag [yuck]. Keep in mind this is my first impression of the city, but there is much more experiences to come. Please come back for more stories and pictures of my adventures! See you next time! Ciao!