Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hello Again

[taken from last blog of 2009]
"Finally, I have something to say to you Europe. Yea...that's right! You! I am sorry I could not sum you up. Many, I'm sure, have tried. All have failed. So I will simply take you back with in me. You have changed me. You have helped me. You have made me a bigger, better, smarter, and more culturally diverse person. I thank you. And don't count on this being the last time you see this face! Ciao for now Europe, ciao for now!"

Boom! I told you so Europe! YEA, what now?! You better be ready for round due! Yea, that's right! Only a short year and a half away and I couldn't help but but find my way back to the place that I consider home away from home, Florence, Italy. When the chance came to continue my education in Architecture at the graduate level, and do it 'a Firenze', how could I say no? So here I am. In a new apartment, same old, shockingly beautiful Florence, and I'm ready. Ready for grad school. Ready to travel. Ready for a new chapter of my life...and a new chapter of this blog. Please prepare for much more blogging this time around, not just about my excursions through out Europe, but also about cultural and artistic realizations I, or the people around me, maybe having. So sit back, follow, enjoy, comment, and prepare for round due of Lucas' European Adventure.

Ciao nuovamente Firenze. Sono a casa.
[translation: 'Hello again Florence. I am home.']