Friday, January 16, 2009

Mi Chiamo Lucas e sonno Americano a Firenze

Ciao! So almost one week down in Florence, Italy and here are a few things I've learned...

+I never want to drive/park a car here...NEVER!

+Italian women are all beautiful!

+Italian women don't even give American boys the time of day...

+On the other hand, Italian Club Promoters LOVE American boys!

So, needless to say, just one week in and I have already seen and done so much in Florence. I have also started my 'Basic Conversational Italian' class [thus the basic conversational Italian title above. It means...My name is Lucas and I am an American in case you couldn't deduce that yourself]. I pass just about all of the sights on my twenty minute walk to class every morning.

After class, I like to pretend to be European and take a nap. We [the roommates and I] usually take turns making dinner [a lot of pasta, but sometimes we treat ourselves, like last night's Chicken Parmesan]. This past week we've gone out a lot. I had my first experience at a Discotheque [which, despite its title does not play disco...thank you Jesus] and made good friends with a restaurant owner/promoter[picture above]. We like to hang out late at his place and he gives us free food and drinks sometimes.

Ah! Which brings us to the next order of business! Drum roll please...

=Birra of the Blog=
So, like I said in my last post, Im trying to drink as many different types of European beer as possible. And in doing so I've already arrived at the point where there's too many to choose from. I decided to go with Nostro Azzuro, an Italian Premium Lager. Nostro Azzurro means "Blue Ribbon" [no...nothing like Pabst] It's actually in honor of the Blue Ribiand won by Italian ocean liner SS Rex in 1933. [yae! useless knowledge!] It is very similar and brewed by Peroni Brewing company. So if you like Peroni back in the States you may also like this one!

Other than that I've been just trying to take in as much as possible. We had an interesting lecture on cross cultural interaction and living/studying abroad. Check out this video. Its funny but it also makes you think a little.

It's very difficult, but I'm going to try to be as open to everything with in this culture and all cultures that I interact with to walk away from my stay here with the best possible experience [I feel like I've watched one too many episodes of 'No Reservations' with Anthony Bourdain...but its true]. At least that's the goal. I guess we'll see with time. Ciao for now...and try not to freeze your asses off for those of you in the North East US [its 50 degrees and sunny hear = ) ].

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