Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Arrivederci My Friends. Arrivederci Europe.

This hurts. I mean it physically pains me to be typing this. This, being the last post of my European Adventure. The days have been trickling away slowly, and now I find myself one day away from getting on a plane and flying back to the United States and faced with the task of summing up this semester abroad. I know I wrote a little about homesickness and being excited to see my friends and loved ones back home, but I wrote a hell of a lot more on all the wonderful places I've seen and all of the amazing people I've met, and that, my friends, is what is hurting me. Leaving these places and these people is physically hurting me. Going through my head and trying to sum up these four months is physically hurting me. Its a pain I can't quite describe. Its an ache almost, from inside my chest and stomach [no, I'm not still suffering from the Egyptian shits...thank God]. And this ache can sometimes be accompanied by a sharp pain when the thought of glancing at the Duomo as I walk by it for the last time, or the thought of hugging a great, newly-made friend just before I get on the plane and be away from them for unknown amount of time. But I've decided, being the strong person that I am, that I will muster through the pain and fight off the potential tears to attempt to sum up this absolutely amazing and 'un-sum-up-able' trip.

I'd like to start off by stating something that, looking back, I can barely believe, but please know is absolutely true. One year ago, I did not want to study abroad. I did not want to leave the U.S. or my friends or home for that long of time. My mother and I actually fought about it, her arguing that I should go because it could be a once in a life time thing. And like I said, looking back, I don't know what the fuck I was thinking fighting with her [don't get used to this much honesty Mom]. Excuse my French, but honestly...what the hell? That being said, my opinion of study abroad has obviously changed. I can not even imagine a better opportunity for a college student. I have absolutely had the time of my life.

Look at entire semester abroad, summed-up in 21 pictures...yea right. These pictures are great. Some of my favorite actually. But not even the 21 pictures along with the thousands of memories could begin to sum up this semester. Not this post, nor all of them combined, can describe all of the life changing experiences, all of the fun, all of the amazing friends, all of the astounding trips that this semester has supplied. So, in a way this post fails. I am failing. Is it truly impossible to sum up this semester?

"Everything must belong somewhere. I know that now, I wish you'd leave me here." I can't get this Bright Eyes song out of my head. I am scattered. I don't know how to feel, how to think. Is it possible to be sad to leave, excited to get back home?

This is the hardest thing I've done in a while. I just stayed awake for 28 hours working on a studio final...this is harder. I've climbed to the top of the Duomo of Florence [all 467 steps... four times]. Hell, I even climbed to the top of Mount Vesuvius...writing this is harder. I've packed every belonging I've needed for living for a whole four months in only two bags...this is harder. How do you sum this up? I've typed and deleted paragraph after paragraph. Maybe if I never finish this blog, I will never have to leave Italy. I'll never have to leave this wonderful place. This place that has so many, many memories and many, many friends.

This hurts. But, I have to go home. Is it possible to be sad to leave but be happy to arrive at home? This hurts.

So what am I taking with me? The coffee shops of Amsterdam. The monuments of Rome. They are inside of me now. The Carnival of Venice and the leaning tower of Pisa, they're both inside of me. They are part of me. The smoke still bellowing from Vesuvio, the ash covering Pompeii, and the white pebbles of Capri. All of my memories and all of my moments, they are all a part of me. From the Pink Palace on Corfu to the Acropolis in Athens...and everything in between. The beaches of Barcelona, the beer of Munich, the creativity of Milan, and the every grain of the Sahara desert and every two ton stone of the pyramids has become a part of me! They are with in me now. But it's the cobble stone roads and the marble statues of Florence that I will be taking back with me the most. The architecture, this school. The games of hearts and 10's and 2's. The drunken walks to clubs that I couldn't even get you to sober, but somehow made it there are back with little recollection of the night. The nights we all laughed until our jaws ached. The beers we drank on the edge of the bridge or on top of the Duomo. The people who I didn't even know they're names before I got here, and now consider them people I love. These things...these things have not only become a part of me, but they have shaped me. They have made me a better person over the short span of a semester. And because I cannot stay here...I will take them all with me...with in me.

So to you guys, the ones who actually give a shit, and read my blog...first off, thank you. Thank you for caring enough about what is going on in my life. To those at home in the United States, I asked you to please travel, no matter how worried you are about leaving home or being away from you're friends and family for a long amount of time! Don't worry about the money and effort, it's all worth it. Dive in! Please see these places! Please see other places, and tell me about them! Please remember my tattoo, and that any short tick of the clock could be your last! And finally, I will see you sooooo soon and I am excited to be in all of your companies again! I am excited for hugs, kisses, beers with old friends, and [of course] lunch at Peking Place.

Now, for the hard part. For those of you here in Italy with me. Those of you who I am leaving for an unknown amount of time. Thank you. Thank you for making my semester amazing. Not even beaches of Barcelona or the Pyramids of Giza would be half as exciting or fun if I wasn't able to share them with you. Please take all of them, along with all of our great memories and pictures, back to the States inside of you, like I am. Thank you for the laughs, thank you for the drinks, thank you for the long nights out and the full days at the beach or in the park. I will miss you all more than I can even describe. It is astounding how you've affected me over this semester, but you have and I thank you. Some of you I will see next semester at Kent, and we will have so many memories to talk about and great friendships to continue. But some of you I may not see for a while, but I can promise you this. If I ever find myself in the proximity of Cleveland, or Chicago, or California, or Idaho, or even the dirty Jers...I will give you a call. But only if you promise me that if you ever make it as far as the best state in the country [and you know what it is, so I'm not gonna even say it...], you give me a call so we can party hard and re-live our semester in Florence a little bit.

Finally, I have something to say to you Europe. Yea...that's right! You! I am sorry I could not sum you up. Many, I'm sure, have tried, all have failed. So I will simply take you back with in me. You have changed me. You have helped me. You have made me a bigger, better, smarter, and more culturally diverse person. I thank you. And don't count on this being the last time you see this face! Ciao for now Europe, ciao for now!

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