Monday, April 27, 2009


Yes, I am having a blast in Europe. In my opinion, I am living better than any human should, and I am so grateful for this. But I am constantly reminding myself of one thing in particular. One gigantic, monumental, BEST FRIEND thing...

And that is no matter where I am, what I am doing, or how much fun I am having, JP is serving our country in Iraq. And I just want to take a moment to remind myself one more time, but also you, that there are still Americans fighting and defending our great nation and our great freedoms. So, I don't care about what your opinion about the war is or Iraq or Barak Obama or George Bush, I want to ask you for two very small [but at the same time, very BIG] favors.

#1.) That you will please keep JP in your thoughts and prayers [because I'm sure if you are reading this blog you at least know him...and probably love and miss him as much as I do]. As well as, please keep all of our troops that are still serving on foreign soil in your thoughts and prayers. We owe them more than we will ever know.

#2.)KEEP A LIGHT HEART. All of you who know JP or me enough, already know this story. And those of you who don't [I'll tell you someday...just ask]...all you need to know is this,


Never have I ever heard more true a statement. And never have I strayed from it since I permanently etched it unto my body. So no matter what hard time you may be going through... finals week, home sickness, divorce, death, leaving Europe, missing your best friend beyond reason, or fighting a war...KEEP A LIGHT HEART. At least the lightest heart you can manage. I know this is true. JP knows this is true. And now you know.

So please do these two small favors for me. Thank you.

JP I love you brother. Stay safe.

Here's my light heart right here

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