Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Only Cure... [FLORENCE]

Its been four months since I've arrived here in Florence. Time has absolutely flown by, but looking back at arriving and the first few trips [like Amsterdam], they seem so long ago. Time is a strange and mysterious bitch, but over it, I have developed a homesickness that I never thought I would catch. It's a small annoyance that is not at all keeping me from having the time of my life over here, but it sometimes causes a longing like an itch I can't scratch. So, in light of that fact, I have constructed a list...

Things I Miss Terribly Stateside
1. Free Refills
2.Kraft macaroni and cheese
3. Hines ketchup dispensers
4. Kara
5. Natti Light
6.Bubba and Pop
7. Peking Place
8. Driving
9. Swimming
10. my bike
11. Dylan
12. Philly stories
13. Mom and Dad
14. drying machines
15. hot girls who actually talk to me
16. No conversion rates
17. Michalob Ultra
18. greasy American Pizza
19. Movies
20. all my friends
21. I would say peanut butter except for the very reason for this post...

Even if you could hand me three slices of Santo's pizza and a Michy right this moment, although I would be in heaven, I would only be there for that short moment. Small fixes of home, as wonderful as they might be, only suppress the the sickness. The only cure for homesickness is...home itself.

On Sunday March 29, I received three huge, wonderfully delicious jars of peanut butter from none other than my family [see #6, #11, #13, and #21 on the list of Things I Miss Terribly Stateside]. So I probably won't be able to eat peanut butter at all for a month when I return to the US [...yeah right].

The fam's arrival into Pisa was bitter-sweet with hugs, kisses, and lost luggage, but never the less, they pressed on and we visited the Leaning Tower of Pisa and made our way back to Florence. The next day we [barely] made it to Assisi in two different traveling parties on two different trains [train stations can be a bitch]. And over the next week they somehow managed to hit up just about every single museum, momunment, and church in Florence. Great meals that I normaly can't afford, drinking wine I normally can't afford, being a tour quide, getting Dylan drunk at a club, climbing the Dome of Florence for the fourth time [never gets old...that is climbing the Dome, the Dome itself is very old on the other hand], and showing off my broken Italian were only some of the highlights. But, by far, the best thing [like I've said numerous times before] about having loved ones visit you while studying abroad, is having them experience what you have been experiencing. Especially when it's family, because they get to see where all the money they have invested is going.

Pisa, Assisi, Florence, and Rome...thats one hellava [Good Dip...#22 on the list of Things I Miss Terribly Stateside] week of traveling in Italy, by any standards. But as great as it was so see Mom, Dad, Dylan, Bubba and Pop, to show them what I've been experiencing, to get three huge jars of peanut butter, as great as all that was merly a suppression for homesickness. And while the peanut butter will be plenty to get me through these last weeks, the only cure for this small annoyance called homesickness will come on May 15. And that is ...home.

Mom, Dad, Dylan, Bubba, and Pop, thank you soooo much for spending the time, money, and effort to get here. It was as much, if not more, of a pleasure for me as it was for you guys. Thank you soooo much for spending the time, money, and effort getting me here! If it wasn't for you guys [plus Grandma, Pap Pap, and Mom Litz], I wouldn't be here. Thank you! See you soon!

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